• Looking in a Russian mirror

    The mutinous Yevgeny Prigozhin seems to have survived his failed insurrection relatively well. While his Wagner Group fighters in Ukraine have been absorbed into the Russian army, their presence in Africa continues unaltered and largely […]

  • Zondo at your Fingertips

    Paul Holden, Zondo at your Fingertips (Johannesburg: Jacana, 2023) STATE capture amounted to treason: not only did it involve massive theft of national resources, but the deliberate subversion of the South African constitution and the […]

  • Whitey: The Rise and Rule of the Shoprite King

    Niel Joubert, Whitey: The Rise and Rule of the Shoprite King (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2022) WE have three supermarkets at our local shopping centre: Woolworths, Pick n Pay and Spar. Although their clienteles are mixed, […]